Published by M'sitting on : 05/12/2019

You can't take your pet on vacation

Pet-sitter who keeps a dog
There are several reasons why you may not be able to take your pet with you.
  • The most frequent is travelling abroad: the transport conditions are not ideal, the administrative restrictions that govern the entry of animals on the territory of many countries, the costs involved
  • Holiday rentals or hotels that do not accept animals
  • The presence of other animals on your holiday resort that are incompatible with yours
Fortunately, there are solutions to keep your pet.


Boarding houses or kennels are specialized establishments with an adapted structure where you can entrust your pet during your absence. There are many establishments where your pet will be able to have fun and feel good while you are away.
Often animal kennels offer mainly to keep dogs and cats, however there are some establishments that can take care of other kinds of animals such as NACs, rodents, birds...
The pension can very often be adapted to your needs. Indeed many are open every day of the year. If your pet's stay is for a few days, weeks or months, the boarding house will be able to take care of your companion.

How to choose your pension

Anyone can't call themselves « Pension ». Subject to strict regulations, it must:
  • To be registered with the prefecture
  • To have a Civil Liability Insurance for Animals
  • Have staff holding an Animal Capacity Certificate
  • Provide you with a custody contract before the start of the service
It is advisable to bring your pet several times so that it gets used to it before your departure.
Word of mouth is still the best way to select the pension.

Foster families for animals

Your pet is welcomed by a family at his home.
It is important not to choose at random the people who will take care of your pet. Take the time to get to know them. This will ensure that you are dealing with serious people who are passionate about animals and who will take good care of your pet.
It is recommended that you meet with the pet sitters several times before the start of your stay so that your pet becomes familiar with them and his new environment. Together you will work out your pet's program, food, meal times, medication, walks.
In general, you will need to provide food for your pet.
On the day of your departure, don't forget to bring your belongings, basket, toys. It will reassure your pet to have his familiar objects, he will feel less lost.
Like any person offering to take care of animals for a fee, host families have rules to follow:
  • The holding of the Animal Capacity Certificate
  • The authorisation of the Veterinary Services Directorate to exercise this trade
  • Have a Civil Liability Insurance for Animals

Home visits for pets

This solution is perfect if you're going away for a short period of time. However, it is not recommended for a long absence. If you don't have a friend, relative or neighbour available, you can use a pet-sitter.
The trusted person who will come to your home will not stay all day. He or she will only spend a few hours once or twice a day depending on your pet's needs. She will give him food and water, change the cat's litter box, cuddle and, depending on the formula you choose, take your pet for a walk.
Do a test before hiring a pet sitter by leaving him/her with your pet for a few hours.
This solution is more suitable for cats who are more independent and solitary than for dogs who require more attention.
Regulations require the pet-sitter to have:
  • The holding of the Animal Capacity Certificate
  • The authorisation of the Veterinary Services Directorate to exercise this trade
  • Have a Civil Liability Insurance for Animals

Pet sitters at home

For this type of care, your pet does not move around but the pet-sitter comes to your home to take care of your pet.
He has the obligation to sleep at your home, but he is free to go about his business during the day.
When he comes home from work or leisure, he does not go home but goes directly to your home to take care of your pet until you return.
This system is ideal for animals that do not like to change their environment, that have their habits.
The main responsibility of the pet-sitter is to take care of your pet's well being by giving him food, water, care if necessary, cuddling him.
It is essential to call upon a serious and competent person who loves animals.
It is necessary to have the Certificate of Animal Capacity, which is essential to carry out a remunerated activity of animal care. This certificate is obtained after having followed a specific training course of at least 14 hours at a body authorised by the Ministry of Agriculture.
These few modes of care are paid for, with more or less important rates.

Here's a free guard mode:

The house sitting

It's an exchange of free services between individuals.
Guards called house sitters come to spend their holidays at the home of the owners during their absence. In exchange, they keep their pets, watch and maintain their house or apartment.
This is an ideal solution when you have to be away for several days.
Your pet stays in its familiar environment.
He is surrounded by loving care and does not suffer in your absence.
Your pet continues to be walked daily or to have fun in your garden.
If your pet is old, the house sitter respects his resting habits, gives him his veterinary treatments and gives him possible care.
The house sitter doesn't need any diploma or specific training.
Among the many house sitting sites, you need to look for the person who best suits your expectations and who will know how to best take care of your pet.
Travel, free accommodation, pets, savings
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