
House sitter in Genova, Genova, Liguria, Italy

Stafeno, Home sitter Genova Italy
Usually responds within 72 days
Contact  stafeno - (stafeno)
No children

Dates when I will be available

Periods of the year when I might be available

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December,


Ciao a tutti
Io sono Stefano, ho 35 anni e vivo in Italia, anche se ho vissuto in diversi paesi nel mondo!
Amo gli animali e il mare e mi piace stare in mezzo alla gente, sono dinamico educato e rispettoso delle cose altrui
Parlo inglese e un po' di spagnolo oltre ad essere madrelingua italiano

My Experience


Favorite animals

Dogs, Birds, fishes, farm animals, new pet animals,

Favorite destinations:

France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ireland,

I know how to take care of a garden

Gardening skills: YES

Desired facilities and equipment


Spoken languages:

English, Spanish, Italian,

Confidence index : 2/10

Documents provided

Proof of identity: NO
Proof of residence: NO
Criminal record extract: NO
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