
House sitter in Bari, Bari, Apulia, Italy

Kroline, Home sitter Bari Italy
Contact  Diana Carolina - (kroline)
Diana Carolina  34  Profesora   
No children

Dates when I will be available

Periods of the year when I might be available

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December,


Ciao, hallo, hi, hola

Soy Kroline estoy viajando y deso pasar tiempo con gente local para poder compartir tiempo y cultura

My Experience


Favorite animals


Favorite destinations:

Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Brazil, Europe, South America, Asia, Oceania,

I know how to take care of a garden

Gardening skills: YES

Desired facilities and equipment


Spoken languages:

English, Spanish, Italian,

Confidence index : 10/10

Documents provided

Proof of identity: YES
Proof of residence: YES
Criminal record extract: NO
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