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 View the House sitter profile of Josynetteautunoise  homesitter

House sitting in Bonnefamille entre Lyon et Grenoble, Isère , Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Josynetteautunoise, Home owner Bonnefamille   entre Lyon et Grenoble France
Usually responds within 17 hours
Contact  Josiane - (josynetteautunoise)
Josiane  70  Aide familiale  retired 

Stays on offer

Flexible dates

Presentation :


My animals:

I don't have any pets

My garden

I don't have a garden that needs a lot of care



Ages of house sitters

Any age

Are children accepted?

Family with children accepted

Type of accommodation


Housing situation


Type of residence


Living area


Surface of the land


Basic equipment in the house:


Assets at the disposal of the house:


Shopping centres nearby:


Health services nearby:


Environment around the house:


Leisure activities nearby:


Informations à propos de la région


Languages I speak


Confidence index : 4/10

Documents provided

Proof of identity: YES
Proof of residence: NO
Criminal record extract: NO
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